Recipe - Cherry Pecan Nice Cream

Recipe Cherry Pecan Nice Cream

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Not sure what to do with those overripe bananas?

Here’s a simple solution that will put smiles on the faces of your family.

Nice Cream

One of the easiest desserts to mix up and enjoy instantly or a little later. 

Once you see how quick, easy, and delicious this tasty treat is, you’ll want to keep a steady supply of frozen, sliced bananas in your freezer.

From start to finish, this recipe can be ready to serve within 10 minutes with a consistency similar to soft serve ice cream. However, if you prefer a firmer texture, pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container and place in the freezer until it reaches the desired consistency.  

Here’s an added tip:
Whole milk was used to create this recipe. However, you can use your choice of milk, cream, or non-dairy alternatives, such as almond milk, instead. (Plant-based alternatives will affect the flavor, however). For richer results, add a splash of heavy cream while blending. 


Click link below to download your recipe card: 

Recipe Card – Cherry Pecan “Nice” Cream

Cherry Pecan "Nice" Cream


4 large ripe bananas, sliced and frozen1-2 Tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon real vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon salt
½ cup whole milk or non-dairy alternatives
1 cup frozen dark cherries, rinsed briefly under warm water and chopped
½ cup pecans, chopped
Additional chopped pecans, for garnish

What you need to do


Place the frozen bananas, honey, vanilla extract, and salt into a high-powered blender. Add milk and blend on high until smooth, approximately 2-3 minutes.

Note: If more liquid is necessary, add additional milk or cream, one tablespoon at a time, while blending until smooth.


Pour mixture into a large bowl and fold in the chopped cherries and pecans. Spoon into individual serving bowls and serve immediately topped with some chopped pecans (or place in the freezer until firm).

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