How to meal plan

How to Meal Plan When Your Life is Crazy Busy

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My health coach advised me to do a better job at my meal planning and prepping.

I laughed and responded, “You would think I would be a pro since I teach meal planning and prepping.”

Guess what? Just because I know the importance of meal planning doesn’t make me a meal planner.

There was a time when I had my entire month planned, grocery list made, and there were no surprises.

So, what happened?


And that’s what I told my health coach – life absolutely gets in the way of me sitting down with a calendar, a grocery list, and planning my meals.

Do you get frustrated with coming home from a rushed day realizing you have no idea what to prepare for dinner?

Let’s slow down for one moment in time and make, what I call, My Crazy Busy Life Meal Plan. This has helped me so much and I want to share it with you today.

Make it Easy.

Grab paper and pen and make a list of your meals that are quick and easy to make.

Start with breakfast, then lunch, and end with dinner.

Make a Plan.

Now, sort those easy meals by similar ingredients.

Your goal is to use what you have as many times as you can.

Prepare a meal on Monday and use those leftover ingredients on Wednesday. The same for Tuesday and Thursday.

Make a Grocery List.

Now make your grocery list, listing everything that you will need to prepare each meal. I like to organize my grocery list according to the layout of my grocery store. This allows me to get in and out as quickly as possible.

Use an App.

Keep your meal plan and your grocery list together so that you can easily access them when needed.

I use OneNote, but there are many apps that allow you to access both with a touch of your finger.

You may want to have two or three weeks planned with easy meals. This allows you to have variety throughout the month.

I enjoy clicking on my “Recipes” folder, then clicking on week one, two, or three to see everything I need to prepare for the week ahead.

I’ve committed to my health coach to get back into the habit of meal planning and meal prepping. I hope this inspires you to do the same.

If you’re not familiar with the basics of meal planning and prepping, I have a program that will help you get stated. Click the image below to find out more and find freedom from the dreaded question, “What’s for Dinner?”

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