Hydration Tips

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Summer is in full swing, with temperatures steadily climbing you may find yourself sweating more than usual when you’re outside.

Whether you’re busy doing yard work, playing, or doing your exercise, your body will lose more water than normal during the summer heat.

Your body will let you know when you are becoming dehydrated. You’ll begin to feel dizzy or lightheaded, your mouth is dry, and you begin to feel tired.

Keep yourself hydrated this summer with these easy hydration tips.

Keep hydrated with fruits and vegetables.

Summer gives us an abundance of fruits and vegetables that are water based. Turn your snack time into hydration time with these:

  • Celery
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cucumber
  • Grapes
  • Honeydew
  • Peaches
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon

Make your water bottle your favorite accessory.

Water bottles now come in all shapes, sizes, and designs. Don’t leave home without your favorite water bottle. Keep one filled at all times while working around the house and outside. Let this become one healthy habit that is non-negotiable.

How much water are you drinking each day?

During the summer months your body will use more water than during the winter. You’re sweating more, which will require you to drink more. One way to know if you need to increase your water intake is to track how much water you are drinking during the day. You can easily do this with a water tracker app or with a daily log of your water intake.

Here’s a free daily water tracker you can download and use 👉 Water Tracker

Pay attention to your body and give it what it needs, more water.

Water is boring.

I totally understand.

For something not to have any flavor, many of us don’t like to drink plain water. You can easily remedy this problem with infused water. I’m not talking about those chemical water enhancers on the grocery shelf, but natural flavorful infusion. My favorite is adding cucumber slices to a pitcher of water and placing it into the refrigerator overnight. I also enjoy adding lemon to my water bottle.

You can add fruit, herbs, or cucumber to your water to perk up the flavor. You are only limited by your imagination.

Start your day with a smoothies. 

Begin your day with a smoothie or drink one for your morning or afternoon snack. You’ll benefit from the hydration of the fruits you add, plus give yourself an energy boost with the leafy greens.

Choose a water-based fruit, some protein, and a healthy fat for a satisfying hydrating meal or snack.

Limit your caffeine and alcohol.

Not all liquids are hydrating. Enjoy your cup of coffee with a side glass of water. The same goes with that evening glass of wine. When the temperatures begin to rise, let your consumption of caffeine and alcohol go down.

Be smart.

Summer is fun and you’ll enjoy your time outside more when you’ve kept yourself hydrated. Keep your water with you, pay attention to your body and the signs of becoming dehydrated. When you begin to feel overheated, get somewhere to cool off and rest. Drink your water slowly to help your body recover.

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